Child Emotions – Age Seven

Child emotions at age seven can be really joyful for all parents provided they deal with it accordingly. In the first moment your child is wide-eyed kindergartener, while in a second he is already worldly school beginner. This period in child development is indicated mostly with sudden changes, and they are often almost like spread from one to another state. Each child is different, and passes through periods of changes in a different way. It is not even that every child has the same emphasis on every extreme, this can vary a lot. There is no unique formula that could fit all children, as child teaching is also individual. 

Child EmotionsOften, a seven-year-old-child can be very concerned about what their friends think of him. He can be strongly hurt by criticism and have moments of low self esteem as well as low self confidence. At this stage of life he wants to be liked by all and he’s eager to please. Parents could help their positive development a lot with building up their self esteem, by positive feedback and positive reinforcement.

Entering his seventh year of age a child is exploring his emotions. As a result, he could suddenly start complaining or do it more than usual. It can sometimes be quite annoying for the parents, but it is important to support them as much as possible. Many parents may need a lot of patience with this, but actually, this is typical, and it is a part of child’s natural development. Most supportive for your child in those moments is to provide them positive feedback and encouragement. It could also be very helpful to give them new insight or a different picture of a particular situation they are complaining about.

Children in that age are very good in learning and using various words to express their emotions. Parents can encourage them by teaching exact words and expressions, and support their communication.  A good sign of child emotions is that a seven-year-old child can start showing strong emphaty and offer help when he sees and feels others are distressed. It is very positive direction of development, and parent’s support in this can make child’s empathy stronger. This can also help the child to feel that he is included in making the world a better place, by helping distressed person to feel better.

Child Emotions

That’s the age when sports is very important to incorporate in child’s routine. Organised team sport provides that opportunity for child to feel sucessful and belonged, which in turn will positively reflect on his emotional development.In group sports activities, a child feels like he is a part of something, and that helps in forming his healthy emotion structure base. At age  seven child may show an interest in joining a club or some sports team.

Parents could help lot in that process, to explain and advise what’s each sport like and which responsabilities are waiting for him if he decides joining some club. Child emotions are important factor at that stage and parents should provide ample support. Unsupportive manners from parents could direct child emotions in a wrong track.

You can expect your seven-year-old child to start forming sense of humour and show very big enjoyment in telling jokes. What else can parents do at that moment, than support their child and laugh heartily? You could easiliy tell your child few jokes from time to time and show some funny shows, performances and pictures. This can also help building positive relationship and trust between parent and child. It can as well build up child’s feeling that he is bonding with you, because you two are laughing together and enjoying a lot of fun. 

Your seven-year-old child is going through many phases at this age, and the most crucially for parents is to give their child big support and encouragement. Have lots of patience for all the phases (very often even more than one at the same time) of the emotional development your child is going through.




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